Doinject En 1.0.8 Help

Closing the Context Space

There are several ways to close a context space. Choose the method that suits your situation.

Call Dispose

By calling Dispose() on the context, you can close the context. Objects belonging to their own context space are registered in the DI container as IContext.

public IContext Context { get; set; } [Inject] public void Construct(IContext context) { Context = context; } public async Task DisposeSceneContext() { Context.Dispose(); }

Scene Context Space: Call SceneContextLoader.UnloadAsync()

In the case of a scene context, you can close the context by holding the SceneContext when you load the scene.

var sceneContext = await sceneContextLoader.LoadAsync(firstScene, active: true); ... await sceneContextLoader.UnloadAsync(sceneContext);

Unload with SceneManager

You can also close the scene context using the scene unload function provided by Unity.


GameObject Context Space: Call Destroy()

When you destroy an object with a GameObjectContext attached, the context is closed.

Last modified: 11 December 2024