Doinject En 1.0.8 Help

Creating an Installer as a ScriptableObject

If you want to create an installer as a ScriptableObject, please follow the steps below.

Creating the Installer Script

You can create an installer as a ScriptableObject from the Doinject menu. Right-click in the Project view, and select Create > Doinject > Binding Installer ScriptableObject C# Script. This will create the installer script.


If you create a script with the name CustomBindingInstallerScriptableObjectScript, a script like the one below will be created.

using Doinject; using UnityEngine; [CreateAssetMenu(menuName = "Doinject/Installers/CustomBindingInstallerScriptableObjectScript", fileName = "CustomBindingInstallerScriptableObjectScript", order = 0)] public class CustomBindingInstallerScriptableObjectScript : BindingInstallerScriptableObject { public override void Install(DIContainer container, IContextArg contextArg) { } }

You will write your bindings inside the Install() method.

Creating a ScriptableObject Asset

The ScriptableObject created here can be right-clicked in the Project view and selected to create a ScriptableObject asset under Create > Doinject > Installers.

Installing the ScriptableObjectInstaller

From the installer component's inspector, you can set the installer's ScriptableObject as follows.

Last modified: 27 December 2024