Doinject En 1.0.8 Help

Creating an Installer as a Component

When creating an installer as a component, please follow the steps below. The installer component can be directly placed in the scene or used as a prefab.

Creating an Installer Script

An installer can be created from the Doinject menu. Right-click in the Project view and select Create > Doinject > Binding Installer Component C# Script to create an installer script.


If you create a script with the name CustomComponentBindingInstallerScript.cs, a script like the following will be created.

using Doinject; public class CustomComponentBindingInstallerScript : BindingInstallerComponent { public override void Install(DIContainer container, IContextArg contextArg) { base.Install(container, contextArg); // Bind your dependencies here } }

Write your bindings in Install().

Installing the Created Installer

The installer component can be installed by any of the following methods:

  • Directly placed in a scene where a context entry point exists

  • Directly placed in a scene that is loaded via a scene loader

  • Placed under a game object context

  • Placed at the root of a prefab and set in the project context, or another installer component

Last modified: 27 December 2024